Content Ideas Clients Love


Comparing you client’s product or service with a similar product or service offered by a competitor is a great way to highlight the perks of working with your client over the competition.


Clients love contests because they help generate buzz about their product or service, and can get people so excited about the prize that they become a customer even if they don’t win.


Helping your client incorporate a calculator into their website can give them an interactive way to show their site visitors why their product/service is the best choice by comparing the time/money/resources used both with, and without the client’s product or service to show savings.


List posts generate crazy traffic because they are idea generators. Lists are easy to put together, quick to read, and so tempting to click on.

Why Posts

Posts that provide detailed explanations for how things are in a particular industry or climate allow the client to express their opinion on a particular issue, while highlighting their expertise in their industry.


Using metaphors to explain a phenomenon or topic can be a great way to make an overdone topic feel like new.

Resource Roundup

These posts are a great way to bring attention to old client content, and they’re super simple to create.


Demonstrating the functionality or process of a client’s product or service is a simple way to highlight the benefits of the product or service to potential customers.


Polls are a great way to boost engagement, start a conversation, and draw traffic to your client’s social media channels or web page.


Quizzes can serve so many different purposes, from highlighting the value of a client resource or product to reinforcing the education provided through content marketing and blogging. The possibilities for quizzes are endless and oh so fun.

What’s your favorite kind of client content to work on?

Elizabeth Pampalone

Expert Marketer, International Speaker

Host of the Absolute Marketing Podcast

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