Getting Organized with Apple Notes

Every year as a kid I looked forward to school supply buying day. The one day a year my opinion on the Lisa Frank Notebook I would choose was valued. While those blue lines on a white page and your favorite pen (sparkly gel pens for me) aren’t going anywhere, there is a new generation of note-taking apps. Think of a 10,000 page notebook with separate tabs for various areas of life and work.

Here are a few examples of the ways I use Apple Notes every day:

  • Photos of handwritten notes

  • Business Cards

  • Marketing Ideas

  • Leads

  • Photos of Kid’s Artwork

  • Recipes to Try

  • Random Thoughts

  • Vacations Memories

  • Food Journal

  • Restaurants to Try

  • Passwords 

The best part? It's all searchable! (Even the handwritten stuff and the text in the photos!)

Today’s Digital Notebook tools are designed to alter what your idea of a notebook is while keeping simplicity and portability front and center.

Apple Notes, like any number of amazing note taking apps can be used on any device to grab almost any kind of file including photos and audio clips. Everything is synced and indexed for better searching. It will even pick up and index the text on a sign in a photograph. Evernote even is capable of helping you plan a trip gathering itineraries together, saving emails, sketching with ipad or iphone, store recipes, and even drop PDFs and other files for searching or sharing.

I only use Apple Notes specifically because I use the Apple Ecosystem and it makes sense for me. I also like Evernote and various other note apps I have tried over the years. I am also using Good Notes on my iPad for handwritten notes and PDF edits. It is amazing… Hoping Apple Notes incorporates some of these features soon so I can go back to just 1 note app!

In addition to the list above, I use Apple Notes for the these two unique uses as well:

CRM Customer Resource Management is something most business owners forget about and don't realize how much time it could be saving them! I have a single note for each client. I add their accounts, passwords, code snippets, Quote dates, phone and email logs, etc. I can easily search and find their info in a second.

Memories I always have my phone. My photos go into my phone and then get loaded into my computer for storage. But what about all those other memories, the ones the camera missed? What about a list of the places you ate, the sights you visited. Not to mention, some of my best inspiration comes when I am on vacation. I keep vacation notes in Evernote so that when I plan another visit to the same area, I can visit old favorites as well as uncharted territory. I also use it as a resource for friends and family when they visit the same areas.

Suffice to say, Evernote is my most used app. (On my phone, tablet and computer. Don't have your devices handy? Did I mention it is a web app too?) Comment below and let us know the many ways you use Evernote. (PS: the Free version is good, but the Paid version is BETTER! Trust me!)

Elizabeth Pampalone

Expert Marketer for 20+ years, award-winning International Speaker, marketing minimalist, mom to Paul!

I don’t want to say I told you so but…. Wordpress is officially the worst.


I am a Marketing Minimalist.