How can I free up space on my iPhone?
I get this question all the time from clients. When I look to see what is taking up the most room on the phone, the answer is almost always the photos. I get it, you have a thousand pictures of your spouse or the kids and grandkids, but ask yourself, do I need to have sixteen thousand photos on my phone?
The answer is no you do not. Thankfully the solution is easy. When you plug your phone into your computer a window will pop up asking if you would like to import your pictures and videos from your device. Click yes or ok (depending on your system) and you can get started.
Here is where things get even easier; there is a check box in the upper right hand side of the import window that says "delete photos from device after import". If you check this box and then select import it will take those sixteen thousand photos off your phone and keep them on the computer. Check to see how much room you have now.
I am then asked, well, what if I wanted to keep some photos on the phone so I can show off my kids or grandkids. Simple, don't check the box, do the import and when you are done you can manually delete the photos from your phone. It might take a little longer, but you can keep your favorite photos for all to see.